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Lab Work Photography – with Carlos Ayala Paz

Creators | General

by | Aug 14, 2020

In Dental Photo Master we believe that the best quality comes from the best knowledge. That is why we are happy to invite worldwide known experts! One of them is Carlos Ayala Paz, who doesn’t even need to be introduced to our community.

Carlos Ayala Paz on Lab Photography

In this lesson, Carlos has shared his knowledge about Lab Photography of small dental objects like e.g. crowns. Macro photography has no secrets to Carlos!

If you’re still not sure if this lesson can give you benefits, let us tell you a little bit about our video.

Carlos Ayala shows his ways to achieve the best possible light in a darkroom – as he says, ambient light is not a good idea when it comes to macro. He also has his opinion on the distance from the object and the type of a tripod that should be used.

But the key factor in taking perfect macro photography is managing the shadows. They appear after moving your flash even for a millimeter or if you replace your standard, big flash with a little LED one. Once the great picture is done, with nice colours and good background, it’s time to play with it. How about showing some transparency or focusing on the texture of the teeth? Carlos knows really good tricks to make it happen.

The cheapest, but still professional way to diffuse the light

And if we are talking about the tricks, this one you will love. Illuminating the scene, positioning flashes – these are the game changers and Carlos knows how to use them. But obtaining some soft, diffused light with a sheet of paper is basically it. There are of course some loopholes and Carlos will show you how to avoid them, especially when it comes to the power of your flashes.

And most importantly, Carlos will leave you with specific information about the best brands and models of flashes he uses. You’ll be surprised with their price: in a good way, we mean.

If this doesn’t encourage you to watch this lesson, we guess you already know it all. But if Lab Photography is one of the parts of your dental photography practice, you shouldn’t skip our video!