How It Works
- Register
- Learn 24/7/365
- Become a Master in Dental Photography
How to start?
Create your account and enjoy the membership benefits.
Plan Your Education
Depending your level start from the lessons, which will fit your education. You can start from Photography Fundamentals as the beginner or you can jump immediately to the advanced lessons.
Become a Master
Develop your skill to the highest level and continue with us to create new content and ideas.
Your subscription is valid for 1 year. After that you will need to renew your membeship to stay up to date. We’ve simplified the process of learning dental photography. Learn at your own pace, on any device, 24/7 with online training that’s simple.
We are passionated about dental photography in every aspect. We share the news, techniques and interesting information from our Instructors. You can share your knowledge here with the others - become our Blogger. It could be information about equipment or new accessories or how to take specific shots of prosthetic work or portraits. The possibilities are endless. Stay tuned with us. You can Sign Up for our Blog which is free.
You pay only 1.3$ per day and you get the best knowledge in dental photography. The platform is growing every day with new content, ideas and members. It’s worth to stay connected with us.
When you are A registered User, My Account is visible for you. Inside you will find your favorite lessons, equipment and also your account settings.
Inside the Online Training section you have online courses with the video lessons about photography fundamentals, techniques, protocols and postproduction. Everything you need to know is shown on the screen. You can stop, rewind and start over in your own tempo. Every month we add something new.
Technology is rapidly changing and our goal is to keep you in touch with the latest knowledge. -
Respecting your time, we will send our newsletter with valuable content once a month. Inside you will find new ideas and inspirations. We are always coming up with new and creative ways to help you in dental photography. Be the first one to hear about our latest lessons, tests and new features. Thousands of people read our Newsletter.
We did great job for you: we checked, we tested and we recommend. Inside you will find everything about the cameras, lenses, flashes and accessories. How to set a specific camera, which flash is compatible and how to choose the right option will be easy with our knowledge and precious advice.
If you are not yet our registered User you are able to see some of the content, which is free. Mostly these are Introductions to the specific lessons. We believe that you will like it and we encourage you to SUBSRIBE Today!