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Accessories for Dental Photography: Retractors

Accessories for Dental Photography: Retractors

Accessories for Dental Photography: Retractors

Time to deal with dental photography accessories, our everyday helpers. First up: retractors!

You’re not sure if you’re interested? These are some of the topics explored  in this lesson:

  • Why do retractors help dental photographers?
  • How does a self-retractor work?
  • Sizes and construction of the retractors
  • Comparing plastic and metal retractors
  • Comparing self-retracting and single-sided retractors
  • How do we place a single-sided retractor and should we use it?
  • Hints & Tips in using retractors: how many should we have in our office and why the retractor should be wet?

We’re pretty sure you would like to watch it now and don’t hesitate any longer!