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We’ll be there! Seville’s Dental Photography Conference details

We’ll be there! Seville’s Dental Photography Conference details

The meeting you’ve been waiting for has finally come. Note June 2019 in your calendar, as Dental Photography Conference arrives!!!

Dental Photo Master has the honor to provide the media patronage of the meeting and we’re pleased to announce the key speakers.

You can learn from top experts who have a passion for teaching.

Panaghiotis Bazos will give a lecture about trends in dental photography. Dr. Bazos is the authority with many diplomas and degrees from all over the world’s best schools. Calling him a world-class professional in dental restorative techniques is not enough.

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You’ll also have the chance to take part in workshops and lecture with Sascha Hein. He is one of the top dental technologists; he conducted independent research, which lead to the development of the visual_eyes liquid and the fluor_eyes flash system for fluorescent dental photography.

There’ll be more great names! You’ll also meet Alessandro Devigus from Switzerland, Carlos A. Ayala Paz from Peru, Javier Tapia Guadix from Spain and Louis Hardan from Lebanon.

Apart from the media patronage, Dental Photo Master will also have its speaker: Krzysztof Chmielewski, our Educational Director. He is the international speaker in the field of implantology and bone regeneration, esthetic treatment and dental photography.

But don’t worry – you won’t be lectured. The greatest thing is that all of our key guests will conduct workshops with participants! This is the best way to learn from your masters. To work with them – it’s an opportunity you can’t miss.

And if you’ll do your best… We’ll have a surprise! You may leave Seville not only with some great memories and lessons learned but also with a new NIKON Z6 or Z7  in your bag. Yes, one of the participants will win this fantastic new camera!

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We’re looking forward to this event, really proud and sure this will be the key event in dental photography of 2019.

For tickets and more details go here:

Win a Nikon Z6 or Z7: win-a-nikon