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Playing with polarised photography

Playing with polarised photography

Reflective cross-polarisation gives interesting opportunities for clinician and dental technician to see the details in the tooth structure. Lastly, I had a patient with demanding color structure of the natural dentition.

With help of the polar-eyes mounted on my Metz 15 MS-1 ring flash, I took few shots to see and check the hidden details in the teeth structure.


After downloading the files into my computer, I start to work with editing. My software of preference is Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC.

LR Polarised_1

The first view shows the photo without specular reflections. The color distribution and structure of the teeth with visible cracks is more present compared to the non-polarised picture.

In the Develop Mode in the Lightroom software, I have the tools on the right panel, which will let me control and change different settings. By moving the sliders left or right I can change the values of specific parameters. This is very helpful and can bring even more details into the light from existing photo.

With the next photo, I reduced the Highlights -100. Notice the change in the cervical and incisal area.

LR Polarised_2

Another change is with Blacks reduced to -100. The photo becomes oversaturated with more visible distribution of the color in the tooth

LR Polarised_3

Last but not list is the manipulation with Contrast +100 and  Clarity +100. The photo shows more details in the structure of the teeth, like cracks or perikymata.

LR Polarised_4

There are many options to manipulate the photos in the digital world using different types of software. However, the most common are Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe Photoshop CC, and Lightroom CC.

Of course, it’s up to you what kind of instrument will you use to get more information about the tooth structure.


FREE: Polarised photography explained by Dr. Panos Bazos

For SUBSCRIBERS: Color transfer 

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Meet the Giant – Dr. Panos Bazos

Meet the Giant – Dr. Panos Bazos

Equipment for dental photography is not only the camera set. There are additional instruments like light modifiers, brackets, and others, which help in creating beautiful pictures and acquiring valuable information.

Understanding light behavior gives the firm basis also in dental photography. Our special “Giant” Dr. Panaghiotis Bazos is more than the skilled and talented dentist. He is also entrepreneur and developer. He is also one of the Founding Members of Bio-Emulation Group. Some people can analyze and synthesize scientific data to create new tools. Dr. Bazos is one of them.

For dental applications, he created two exciting products: polar_eye and fluor_eye.

We recorded for Dental Photo Master online platform new lessons with Dr. Bazos. And here is a surprise: you can watch them after FREE Registration.

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We added 9 videos:

Lesson 1: Theory of Reflective Cross Polarised Photography

1_Theory of RCP_Bazos

Lesson 2: Theory of Fluorescent Light Photography
2_Theory of FLP_Bazos
Lesson 3:
Polar_eyes – Construction & Models

3_polar_eyes constructionLesson 4: Fluor_eyes – Construction & Models

4_fluor_eyes constructionLesson 5: Photography in Dentistry – Interview
5_Interview photo in dentistry
Lesson 6: Bio-Emulation – Interview
6_Interview bioemulation
Lesson 7: Fluorescent Photography – Interview
7_Interview fluorescent
Lesson 8: Portraits Photography in Orthodontics
8_Portraits photogrphy
Lesson 9: Perioral Photography in Orthodontics
9_Perioral photogrphy

Registered Users can watch these lesson now!

If you are not registered yet, we encourage you to do it now and enjoy the FREE content of our Dental Photo Master online platform.


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